Scottish Craft Cans 
Short History

Housewives' Choice

 Ann's Day
 Ann on Vacation
 1st Lovelies
 2nd Lovelies
 3rd Lovelies
 4th Lovelies
 5th Lovelies
 6th Lovelies
 7th lovelies
 8th Lovelies

9th Lovelies

10th Lovelies

11th Lovelies

12th Lovelies

Test Cans

Piper Export

Bit of Fun

Current Cans

Cans Wanted

New To Me

Scottish Cones

 Other Tennent's Cans

Other Scottish Cans

Newspaper Adverts


Party Cans

Scottish Series

English Series

Scottish Beer Tray's

Links / Credits









Ann   Violet


From the very first girl "Ann" who appeared on a set of 20 cans showing pictures of English Scenes in 1962.

All the way to "Violet" who appeared in the last set of girls in 1991. A wide spectrum indeed, over nearly 30 years. From the red of the original cans to Violet

at the end of the line.

This site sets out to give a full pictorial record of all the girls that have appeared on the Tennent's cans over the years. There are many books that show the cans,

but none of them give the full picture. I have tried to give as much detailed information regarding the cans and their variations as possible.

I have endeavoured to produce a complete catalogue of all of the girls that have been pictured on Tennent's cans over the years. Much of the information is available in

the Lager Lovelies book by Antony Kamm and the late Charles Schofield. That took the history of all Tennent's cans up to 1982. As we know the girls appeared

up until their demise in 1991. The sizes that 1 have shown are rounded up to the two main standard sizes of  12oz & 16oz.  

Website Updates

 16 November 2023

 4 New pictures added to the Tennent's Test Can page Test Cans (cannyscot.com)

 30 May 2023

 150 Different Beer Can Labels Added From The 71 Brewing Co. - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)

 08 February 2023

 107 Different Breweries with 2003 Craft beer cans added - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)

 11 October 2022

 A sad update that Venetia Stevenson famed for the Sweethart Stout cans has died. Sweethart Stout (cannyscot.com)

 25 September 2022

 100 Different Breweries with 1567 Craft beer cans added - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)

 29 May 2022

 A nice Northern Monk tribute to the Tennent's Lager Lovelies can design A Bit Of Fun (cannyscot.com)

 24 May 2022

 96 Different Breweries with 1246 Craft beer cans added - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)

1 December 2021

 87 Different Breweries with 1052 Craft beer cans added - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)

 20 July 2021

 24 can set of cans produced by Brewdog for the 2020 Euros BrewdogEuros2020 (cannyscot.com)

 18 May 2021

 Updated the ANN page with new more detailed pictures ANN (cannyscot.com)

 11 May 2021

 2 additional Tennent's Calendars added, 1980 and 1983 Calendars (cannyscot.com)

 1 April 2021

 New "Scottish Craft Cans" page added - a work in progress ScottishCraftCans (cannyscot.com)


3 Ballingall's cans from the Dundee Brewery

Over 30 years ago when I was reading "A History of The Brewing Industry in Scotland" by Ian Donnachie, there I learned that Ballingall's in a deal with Drybroughs Brewery, Edinburgh

had canned a couple of beers at Drybroughs as they were doing the bottling for the Dundee brewery at that time, this was in late 1958 or early 1959.

It was a great surprise to find images of the 3 can in a YouTube video by "The Beer Collector" of a Chicago area show click HERE to see the video at about 0:19 / 4:29.


Hugh Tennent and his Monkey's

Following on from the Tennent's new advertising campaign - which features some very funny adverts featuring the slightly mad

Hugh Tennent - here we have an example of what one of his famous cans might have looked like with his favourite monkey.


Tennent's Promotional Can

It's the start of the new football season, both Rangers and Celtic have Tennent's as their sponsors.

Back in 1991 a can was produced for a promotional event between Rangers and Tennent's, something fell through, they were sponsored

by McEwan's and it was the cup competition sponsored by Tennent's hence they never made it onto the market,

this can was kindly donated by Mr R. Finlay and came from the Crown Cork factory in Livingston.

Click HERE to see more


More Bernard's cans on display

I've come across more Bernard's cans from Edinburgh - does anybody have them in their collection ?

Click HERE to see more


At long last I have added a catalogue of

PIPER EXPORT cans to the site

A total of 21 different editions covering over 150 different Piper cans

Click  HERE  to see more.

Let me know what you think about the sets as I am always open to suggestions,

if I have missed any out that should be shown here drop me a note.

64 Years of our Sweetheart Stout girl.

This year we reach the 64th anniversary of the Sweetheart Stout can featuring VENETIA STEVENSON

I was sad to here that Venetia had died on the 26th of September 2022

1958 - 2022

Click HERE  to see more.



New Usher's Cans Discovered

I've come across a set of Usher's cans from Edinburgh that I have never seen before - does anybody have them in their collection ?

Click HERE to see more



Lager Lovelies Book Differences

It had been brought to my attention a while ago that there were differences in pictures of the early Tennent's cans in versions of the "Lager Lovelies Book".

Click HERE to see the differences.



I am always on the look out for Older Scottish and Tennent's cans for my own collection. If you have any please drop me a line at the e-mail address on the bottom of this page.

A sample of the sort of cans that I am looking for can be found on my wanted page.

Click HERE to see them.


A Little Help Required

As I mentioned above I have referred to the Lager Lovelies book while doing much of my research in to Scottish cans in general.

You will notice that there are 3 new pages on the site. They are still under construction so keep coming back to see how they are progressing.

With the Scottish series cans, I need you to supply me with info on cans that you know about and even to supply pictures of them - I will post any that I get and put you name on the credits page.

Any comments will be much appreciated.


New Features

You may have noticed the newer green buttons on the left. These are links to pages that will eventually show all of the Scottish beer cans that are in my own collection and others that I know about. This will take a while to complete as there are 2000 can variations that I have come across - keep checking back to see how I am getting on.

Any comments or help with pictures of cans that that I have not shown will be much appreciated.

E-mail me :-   neil@cannyscot.com